TRANSCRIPT: Day 3 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

In today’s meditation, we focus on the intuition of your body – that inner voice we each have, guiding us toward those choices and decisions that keep us balanced and thriving.

As we’re learning, our bodies already know how to attain equilibrium, and we can enhance our physical state simply by listening to the clues our bodies give us. From the ancient wisdom tradition of Ayurveda, we learn today that our bodies have inherent tendencies, called Doshas.

The more deeply connected with our intuition we become, the more we grow in awareness of how best to keep our Doshas – and our bodies – in balance.

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” ~ W.R. Yeats


My mind and body are in perfect sync.



I see the unity and balance of life with the eye of intuition.


How does your body feel when you are faced with a dilemma or important decision? Be specific; describe the sensations in your body.

How does your body reveal to you its intuition and inner guidance?

Describe a time where you followed your intuition. What was the outcome?

Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.


Welcome to Day 3, The intuition of your body. I love that. I love knowing that my body has an intuition. 

Most of us have been taught to take good care of our bodies, but the messages usually come to us from the outside from teachers, or doctors or so-called experts, in the media. 

Seldom do we hear that to take the best care of our bodies, we should listen to messages from the inside.

We are intuitive beings and listening to what our bodies are saying, really can be the greatest gift that you can give yourself. 

Yesterday Deepak introduced us to Ayurveda that's the science of life. 

Today he takes us deeper into that journey and talks about the body's switching points or Doshas, where thought translates to matter.

As he explains knowing our Doshas helps us identify personal needs and other tendencies, and also about being aware of our predispositions that yields a greater understanding of ourselves, and of other people. That's really what this journey is all about, understanding yourself and how that relates to others. 

So let's breathe and relax get comfortable as Deepak Chopra explains to us how important it is to pay attention, to our body's inner intelligence, then afterwards we'll meditate together.


Noted physicist, Albert Einstein once said, the intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

Each of us possesses an inner wisdom of knowingness, of intuition, that can serve as our fail-safe guide.

Intuition is that inner voice that beckons to be heard, as we engage in our daily activities.

Intuition can be trusted, because it doesn't require processing by the higher brain, our inner wisdom can enable us to make snap accurate judgments that yield positive results. 

However when we ignore our intuition we lose our ability, to feel out situations, which leads to decision making guided by over rationalization of our actions, even when we're wrong.

And it's not just the domain of the few psychics and other so-called seers, instead intuition is something we all possess.

Intuition plays an important role in keeping our bodies balanced, and helps lead us to perfect health.

In Ayurveda, the world's most ancient health system, each person has a certain body type, a unique blueprint that outlines innate tendencies, built into our systems at birth.

These body types, ayurveda firms, originate at the meeting of mind and body, where thought turns into matter, a place that is occupied by operating principles called Doshas.

There are three Doshas: Vata controls movement, Pitta oversees metabolism, and Kapha governs structure.

All three are present in everyone, however some of us tend to exhibit tendencies of one Dosha, while others manifest a combination of two or even three.

Overall Doshas facilitate the mind's dialogue with the body, and when they are in balance they open up the possibility of a mind-body system that is always balanced healthy and evolving.

Once we understand our Doshas, we often see that our intuition has been teaching us the right ways to balance these tendencies, and align with our bodies all along. 

Certain food choices, the type of exercise that feels just right for us, or how much we feel we need to sleep. All of these are the intuition at work telling our unique bodies, how best to stay healthy and balanced.

As we prepare for meditation let's consider today's centering thought:

My mind and body are in perfect sync.

My mind and body are in perfect sync.

Now let's begin.

Please sit comfortably, close your eyes and place your hands on your knees, or in your lap.

Take a deep inhalation, then let it go. Do that several more times.

Inhale slowly and deeply, and then release.

With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to be more at peace.

Now gently introduce the mantra.

It is the sound: SHAM that is associated with the third eye chakra, the sight of intuition and inner wisdom.

Repeat the mantra silently to yourself:




Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra:



Continue with your meditation, I'll remind the time and at the end you'll hear me ring a soft bell.




Now silently in the mind.

~ Meditation ~ 

It's time to release the mantra.

Please bring your awareness back into your body.

Take a moment to rest.

When you're ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, listen for your intuition and contemplate the centering thought:

My mind and body are in perfect sync

My mind and body are in perfect sync

My mind and body are in perfect sync




Meditasi Yang Disukai

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