TRANSCRIPT: Day 6 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Today’s meditation (The Perfection of Your Body) centers on our bodies, which are perfect in every moment.

As we learn more about the messages we send our bodies, we also become more aware of how we talk to ourselves. When we have an ache, pain, sickness, or perceived imperfection, it’s important to pay attention to these signals from our body and mind and respond with compassion.

In today’s meditation, we’ll take a journey of self-awareness, traveling throughout the body and offering love, acceptance, and gratitude everywhere we go.

Day 6 — The Perfection of Your Body

“Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


I am perfection. I am healthy. I am strong.


So Ham.

I am.

Journal Questions

What are three aspects of your body that you love?

What are some of the messages your body is telling you right now?

Take a moment to list what your body has allowed you to accomplish over the years.

Please use this section to reflect on today’s meditation.


Welcome to Day 6. The perfection of your body. Each one of us is a radiant spiritual being, just think about that for a moment, that alone is a powerful meditation, each one of us is a radiant spiritual being, beautiful and perfect as we were created, exactly as we are. 

Yet, how many times, do you become overwhelmed by external messages that tell you you got to improve you need to be more than you already are. Every moment is offering each of us a fresh opportunity to see ourselves, as we really are to see ourselves as sacred, created by something more powerful than we could ever know. 

Right now I want to encourage you to make the commitment to let go of any notion that you are anything less, than a radiant spiritual being, in a human body. 

Today Deepak Chopra focuses on the body's innate perfection and shares how important it is that we change the conversations that we have with ourselves, and then he's going to lead us in a very special guided meditation, to help each of us foster, greater of the fact, that we are a radiant spiritual being, born of and through love.


Our bodies are marvelous wonders of nature, flexible, dexterous and strong. At every moment each of our bodies is absolute perfection, and loving our bodies, no matter how they appear or feel, acknowledges our intrinsic belief, that we exist without flaw.

The power of such a positive self-image plays a vital role in experiencing perfect health.

As we tell our bodies I am whole, i am beautiful, i am perfect, just as i am, we create feedback loops that nurture every cell, muscle, and organ, and support health and vitality.

There are likely some days when it's challenging, to send positive messages to the body. Maybe you're living with a difficult illness, or you feel tired all the time, or your clothes fit too tightly.

When we perceive that our body is aged, unfit, flawed, weak or disease, we tend to focus on what we believe is wrong. We tell ourselves, i don't like you, go away i can't stand looking at you.

Imagine though that this ache, sickness, or condition, or a friend, sitting right before you, sad and weeping, we wouldn't ignore her or express irritation, instead we'd embrace her and nurture her, offering words of encouragement and love.

It's the same for our bodies, when we have an ache, pain, sickness, or perceived imperfection, it's important that we acknowledge those areas and offer them love. Today we'll spend our meditation doing just that, traveling throughout the body, and offering love and gratitude, everywhere we go.

Before we start let's consider our centering thought: 

I am perfection, I am healthy, I am strong.

I am perfection, I am healthy, I am strong.

So let's begin. ordinarily, we practice our meditations, in a seated upright position, but today unless you're very tired, you may want to lie down. whichever position you choose make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Feel the weight of your body against the floor or chair, and just breathe. Full deep belly breathing. Inhaling and exhaling.

Now, begin to focus your awareness on your body, bring your attention to your feet, and consciously relax them. Silently thanking them for all they do for you. Enabling you to stand walk, run, dance, practice yoga all the wonderful things you enjoy.

Now turn your attention, to the length, and relax the muscles in the lower legs. Slowly moving up the body, feel your thighs. The weight of them against the floor or chair. 

And just invite them to relax. Relax the buttocks and the hips. the abdomen and the lower back. Bring your awareness to your chest and upper back. release any tension you may be feeling there. Allow that sense of relaxation to travel along your arms, and into your hands. Relaxing every muscle to the fingertips.

Now bring your attention to your neck and head. One by one relax every muscle, in your neck, head, and face. Anywhere you feel tension, invite a sense of ease. Let go of any negative self-talk.

Now visualize your brain. Silently thank it for working in concert with your body, enabling it to be healthy and alive. Keeping your eyes closed, begin to visualize each cell, taking in the nourishment it needs, and expelling that which doesn't serve it. See your bones, muscles and organs, which are composed of these healthy vibrant cells.

Silently acknowledge the miracle that they perform for you in every moment, and express your gratitude and love. At this time, if you have places in your body that may be giving you discomfort, shower those areas with warmth and love, as though acknowledging your beloved friend.

When you have completed your journey, just rest. As you relax further, mentally repeat the mantra: 


"SO", on the inhale.

"HUM", on the exhale. 


SO HUM, which means "I am".


The sound of the breath. Continue with your meditation, I watch the time, and at the end you'll hear me ring a soft bell.



Take a moment to rest. Inhaling and exhaling slowly. And then when you feel ready, gently open your eyes. 

As you continue with your day, remember to express gratitude to your body, and surrender to the truth of the centering thought:

I am perfection, I am healthy, I am strong.

I am perfection, I am healthy, I am strong.




Meditasi Yang Disukai

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