Day 10 Manifesting True Success Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Today’s meditation (Measuring What Matters) is about making all our choices smart choices, and is indicated by the letter M. The M stands for “make everything measurable.”

If we get reliable, measurable feedback on our progress, we can make intelligent, informed decisions. By evaluating our work in measurable terms, we remain in control of our progress, our time, and our resources.

We know where to cut back, and where to redirect our focus and energy. Most importantly, by making everything measurable, we can make smart decisions that are aligned with our values and worthwhile goals.

Our meditation today helps us maintain the flexible awareness that allows us to remain aligned with our deep purpose, while we monitor the circumstances and details of life so that we can make informed decisions.

It’s like a sailor setting course to a distant island, all the while monitoring the wind, waves, and currents along the way.

Day  10 – “Measuring What Matters“

“Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.” ~ Paul J. Meyer


“I control my life by knowing what counts”


“Sharavana Namah” 

My awareness is unbounded and focused.

Happy Meditate

Journal Questions

Measurement is a way of maintaining a perspective on the direction of a project with useful feedback. Write an example of how you’ve seen the importance of measurement in your own life – it could even be as simple as knowing your checking account balance.

One of the most obvious measurements we can use is time. For example, we can ask ourselves, “Did I spend enough time sleeping last night?” Write about how you can use your time more effectively in attaining your goals.

Another way we can apply measurement to our life is to evaluate how much energy and mental focus we give to various activities. List areas of your life you dedicate a lot of energy toward, but are not necessarily meaningful to you. List the areas that are more important to you that get too little attention. Now consider how you can reapportion your energy to match your priorities.

Reflect further on today’s experience.


Meditasi Yang Disukai

TRANSCRIPT: Day 4 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

TRANSCRIPT: Day 1 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

TRANSCRIPT: Day 6 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

TRANSCRIPT: Day 19 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Day 4 Manifesting True Success Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Day 3 Manifesting True Success Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Day 1 Manifesting True Success Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey