Day 3 Manifesting True Success Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey: Welcome. It's day three of our meditation experience. Today we explore the essential connection between success and creativity. With each breath you take, and each sensation you feel, you're creating and recreating yourself in divine rhythm, but the very moment, you are living, just take that in for a moment.

The more deeply immersed you are in this present, moment the more fully your creative spirit, flourishes, you renew yourself, and open doors to the success that comes from evolving, growing, and receiving the abundance your life holds for you. 

Really connect with that creative flow, let its current, carry you, it is the infinite wellspring of success. 

Listen now as Deepak guides us to our inner creativity, open yourself up and from there, we will meditate.

Deepak Chopra: The third part of success is the ability to be in touch with your creative source. How is this ability acquired. The mind is your source, because no matter what you do, every action is based on a mental activity which includes sensations, images, feelings and thoughts.

The deeper the source of your mental activity, the more you know who you are. Being in touch with who you are is for me, the single biggest secret of success. The most intriguing thing about the present moment is that it never grows old, it constantly refreshes itself. 

As every moment is born, there is an act of creativity, when you realize that the present moment is already creative, it changes the whole complexion of what creativity means.

It doesn't mean having a special artistic talent or creative gift. it means connecting with the present moment, as fully as possible. In this very moment your creativity is unconsciously taking the raw data of the five senses, billions of pieces of information that you see hear, touch, taste and smell, and turning it into a unique creative expression, which you call me.

No one else in the world is metabolizing experience, exactly as you are, right this moment. And the future of your creative self, depends on what you do right now. If you meet the present moment fully, every moment feels new and energized, not old and stale, you are eager to embrac  the unknown, and you lose all sense of time and aging.

If these things seem out of reach, remind yourself that every cell in your body is doing that already because your cells couldn't survive, without recreating themselves constantly, and adapting to every new circumstance.

Why then do we fail to connect with our own creative source. Because we block the movement by doing the reverse of what a healthy cell does automatically. We see reality as something imposed from outside. We avoid the unknown and fear what it may bring. These attitudes are being erased now as you learn the skills of creating success. 

Simply by having the intention of renewing yourself and finding freshness in your daily life, you are connecting with your creative source, being in the moment is the most powerful creative act you can do, because it opens the gates for your inner creativity to emerge. 

As we prepare to meditate together, let's take a moment to consider our centering part: 

I draw from the wellspring of my creativity.

I draw from the wellspring of my creativity.

Now let's prepare for our meditation, make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes

Begin to be aware of your breath, just breathe, slowly and deeply. 

With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. 

Now gently introduce the mantra:

Har Haray Haree.

This mantra connects you to the source of the flow and the manifestation of the creative force. 

Repeat it silently to yourself:

Har Haray Haree. 

Har Haray Haree.

With each repetition feel your body, mind, spirit open and receive just a little more. 

Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra:

Har Haray Haree.

Har Haray Haree.

Har Haray Haree.

Please continue with your meditation, I'll mind the time and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell.

Har Haray Haree.

Har Haray Haree.

Har Haray Haree.

~ Meditation ~

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It's time to release the mantra continue to sit restfully inhaling and exhaling slowly when you feel ready you can open your eyes.

As you continue with your day contemplate the centering thought:

I draw from the wellspring of my creativity.

I draw from the wellspring of my creativity. 

I draw from the wealth spring of my creativity.




Today’s meditation (Success Frees Your Creativity) brings us deep within to the source of our thoughts, feelings, and desires. This is our creative source, the place from which we create our present experience from moment to moment. 

Getting reconnected to your inner self is the key to manifesting lifelong success. When you approach each moment with fresh eyes and an open heart, you are no longer defined by your past pain or your fears for the future.

This creative power of your conscious self is a new kind of creativity. It’s not limited to artistic ability or outside-the-box problem-solving. It is the power of your being to recreate the unique expression of life that is you at this present moment.

That is the primal creativity of Nature itself moving through you, and this is the creative power behind all success.

Day 3 – Success Frees Your Creativity

“The key to success is discovering your innate power and using it daily.”  ~ Les Brown


“I draw from the wellspring of my creativity.”


“Har Haray Haree”

Creative forces flow through me.

Journal Questions

Consider how much of your life is lived creatively, independent of past conditioning and old beliefs. Do you feel you are ready to let go of some of that conditioning and those constricting beliefs?

Write down a description of yourself as a creative spirit who generates your personal reality from within. List some of the old thoughts, feelings, and attitudes you used to hold on to that limited your expression.

Expand on this description of your creative self by envisioning yourself feeling new and energized each day, eager to embrace the unknown and the possibilities it may bring.

Reflect further on today’s experience.



Meditasi Yang Disukai

TRANSCRIPT: Day 4 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

TRANSCRIPT: Day 1 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

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Day 4 Manifesting True Success Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Day 1 Manifesting True Success Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey