TRANSCRIPT: Day 19 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Welcome to day 19: Living Optimism. We become what we believe, and remaining positive sends our bodies loving messages that are crucial to maintaining good health.

By being grateful for all that we have, we can move our egos aside and experience life as it is meant to be experienced, full of enthusiasm for the present moment, and confident about our futures.

By fostering an inner dialogue that is most nurturing to us, we support the clear vision we have for ourselves and live in alignment with our true purpose.

Day 19 — Living Optimism

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” ~ Anne Frank


My life unfolds in divine order. 


Om Daksham Namah.

My actions achieve maximal benefit with minimal effort.

Journal Questions

What are 3-5 new messages that you can tell yourself each day to support your path to perfect health?

How often do you express gratitude for all that you have in your life? What are you grateful for today?

How do you know when you are living in or out of alignment with your purpose or Dharma?


Welcome to Day 19. Living optimism. I've often said, you do not become what you want, you don't get what you wish for in life, you become what you believe, in this way, truly living with optimism, embodying positivity. We manifest that which we project into the world. 

During our time together, We've come to realize that our bodies do just that, as a result of the messages we send ourselves, our bodies intelligently reflect back our current state of health and well-being.

In every moment our bodies are clear examples of what we truly believe.

Today Deepak delves more deeply into this concept, and explains, how living optimistically manifests for us physically. 

Before we meditate together, please listen as Deepak explained, how our bodies react to our thoughts, and thrive through affirmative beliefs.


As we've been discussing, throughout our time together, what we think, do, and say, influences our bodies, with each action the brain sends messages to all the cells of our bodies, creating critical feedback loops that carry information, for wellness or disease.

Living through a lens of optimism then we can bring our lives into balance, and maintain optimal health.

When we operate from a positive perspective we are motivated, to live the life we envision and confidently take steps to make that happen. 

Being grateful for who we are, and what we have right now, allows us to take stock of all the goodness in our lives.

We understand we're always learning lessons, therefore, we forgive ourselves and others, because this moment is just a blink, on our evolutionary path.

Living optimism invites us to reach higher, and become the fullest expression of our intentions.

We can also make other positive changes to support our healthy goals.

Eating whole nutritious foods, exercising regularly and managing stress all enhance our lives.

Additionally building a sustained meditation practice, as we are doing during this challenge, may affect the production of the enzyme telomerase, which in turn builds telomeres, the endpoints of each chromosome, the fraying of telomeres is associated with aging, and keeping telomeres intact, is associated with the health and youthfulness of our genes.

It's important that we engage in a positive inner dialogue that supports the visions we hold for our lives and we act in alignment with those messages.

In this way we can establish a nourishing lifestyle that enables us to remain healthy, vibrant and strong, for the rest of our lives.

Before we meditate let's contemplate our centering thought:

My life unfolds in divine order.

My life unfolds in divine order.

Let's begin, have a seat and close your eyes.

Inhale and exhale, slowly and deeply, start to repeat today's mantra, silently to yourself:



Which means my actions achieve maximal benefit with minimal effort.

If you have thoughts, hear noises, or have feelings in your body, just repeat the mantra:


Please continue meditating, i'll watch the time and at the end you'll hear me ring a soft bell:



Silently in the mind.


Please, release the mantra.

Allow yourself some time to rest when you feel ready.

Please open your eyes.

Throughout your day, consider our centering thought:

My life unfolds in divine order.

My life unfolds in divine order.

My life unfolds in divine order.




Meditasi Yang Disukai

TRANSCRIPT: Day 4 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

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