TRANSCRIPT: Day 14 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Welcome to day 14: The Balance in Silence. Congratulations on completing two weeks of our 21-Day Meditation Challenge and on all your achievements thus far!

In the stillness of meditation, we connect with our highest self, the field of pure potentiality, and plant the seeds of our dearest intentions for ourselves and others so that they flourish in our lives.

In this stillness, we come to understand that we are indeed intrinsically part of the universe. We feel connected with everyone and everything around us, and come to know ourselves as magnificently powerful beings who can manifest anything we desire.

Day 14 – The Balance in Silence

“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” ~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


I intend to take steps each day toward perfect health.


Om Ritam Namah.

My actions and desires are supported by cosmic intelligence

Journal Questions

What do you desire for your life and overall health?

What intentions can you set to help bring you the wellbeing you envision?

How can you create time each day to continue building a sustained meditation practice, long after our Challenge has ended?


Welcome to Day 14. The balance in silence. So we've been doing this together for two weeks, and opened our hearts and our minds to the concept of more perfect health, and the belief that it's something we can all achieve.

We've also taken our first steps together to create balance and more alignment in our daily lives. We have a new understanding of why it's so important to take care of our bodies, the vehicles for our souls. So let's give ourselves a high five on remaining committed, to our daily meditation practice. 

Settle into a comfortable space and listen as Deepak leads us to that place of silence, stillness, where we can connect with spirit, with our most heartfelt, intentions, and then take that connection, and powerful still space back into our daily lives.


We've spent this week, talking about ways in which we can bring balance into our lives. So many of these paths to equilibrium involve changing habits, improving our heating, social, and fitness habits, for example helps us achieve balance in our lives. The sustained practice of meditation is certainly a staple of a balanced lifestyle.

Yesterday we learned how yoga asana practice helps us create a good seat for the soul, so that it's better position for meditation and its ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment.

If you practice yoga, you likely know, how wonderful you feel throughout the day after your practice, balanced in your body, and in harmony with everyone, and everything around you. 

Asana practice is the perfect preparation for meditation, as the mind is calm, and ready to enter even greater stillness. Through meditation, we have a variety of experiences, but one that offers the greatest benefit is that we find ourselves in that place between our thoughts, called the gap, or pure consciousness. 

In the gap, we can plant the seeds of our most heartfelt intentions, and take from it the stillness of the true self back, into our activity. And we do all this without effort simply by closing our eyes, and repeating our mantra.

So, today as we prepare to meditate, let's set our own personal intentions for perfect health.

It can be anything you want but make it as specific as possible.

For instance if you want to incorporate more exercise into your life, your intention could be, I intend to walk 20 minutes every day.

Whatever is important to your well-being, create that intention, and then release it into the womb of creation, before you begin your meditation. And watch, how it manifests in your life.

Before we enter into silence, let's consider our centering thought:

I intend to take steps each day toward perfect health.

I intend to take steps each day toward perfect health.

Now let's begin, find a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Take a few moments to breathe consciously, inhaling and exhaling with awareness. Start to repeat the mantra:



My intentions and desires are supported by cosmic intelligence.


If you find yourself distracted by thoughts sensations or noises just go back to mentally repeating: 


Continue with your meditation, i'll watch the time, at the end you'll hear me ring a soft bell, letting you know that it's time to stop.


Silently now.



Please release the mantra, inhale and exhale slowly, and allow some time to rest, when you feel ready, please open your eyes.

As you move throughout your day, take the experience of the silence into your activities, and contemplate the centering thought:

I intend to take steps each day toward perfect health.

I intend to take steps each day toward perfect health.

I intend to take steps each day toward perfect health.





Meditasi Yang Disukai

TRANSCRIPT: Day 4 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

TRANSCRIPT: Day 1 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

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