TRANSCRIPT: Day 21 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Being thankful for what we have in our lives is an important part of our journey to perfect health. Gratitude helps clear away the noise of our egos and allows us to connect more deeply with our inner wisdom.

As you move forward on your path, remember how important it is to spend time with friends and family. Sharing what we learn also enables us to build a supportive community, which is essential to creating a positive lifestyle.

Today’s meditation helps us remember all we’ve discussed throughout our time together, and guides us to commit to those tools that benefit us most. In this way, we are certain to enjoy perfect health.

Day 21 — Living Perfect Health

“We must each lead a way of life with self-awareness and compassion, to do as much as we can. Then, whatever happens we will have no regrets.” ~ Dalai Lama 


I create my perfect health. 


Sat Chit Ananda.

Existence, consciousness, bliss.

Journal Questions

What have you learned that you find most useful in living perfect health?

What new, positive messages are you telling your body each day?

How is your meditation practice aiding your health and wellbeing?


Welcome to Day 21. Three weeks we've been together. Today is living perfect health. I've loved experiencing this journey, toward perfect health with all of you together. 

We've each gained new perspectives on our role as co-creators of our own well-being. And our meditations have helped to deepen our connections with one another, across this global community. I hope you feel that I surely do.

Deepak and I are so honoured, and also grateful that you have allowed us, into your lives, to join you on this experience of transformation. We commend you on the commitment you've made to live your lives, with greater enthusiasm and with joy in perfect health.

As we begin our final day together, I don't even have to say it, you know relax, listen as Deepak tells us how we can incorporate all that we've learned the past three weeks, to continue this journey of happy, vital, and healthy lives.


Welcome to our final day of our mind, body, odyssey, perfect health. Congratulations, you now have all the tools to live perfect health. Throughout our time together, we've come to understand how to make conscious choices, find balance, form strong social bonds, and live agelessly among many other things.

As you look back on this journey, and recapitulate all that you've learned, I'm sure that certain things stand out for you: what topics have helped you tune into your body and mind, where do you notice shifts, where are you finding greater peace, joy, and vitality in your life.

Gratitude is an important part of living perfect health, when we are grateful for everything we have in our lives, the ego steps out of the way, and we are completely open to the dynamic exchange of the universe.

if you're not doing so already, begin keeping a gratitude journal, and take note of everything you're grateful for each day.

Take stock of how these perfect health concepts manifest in your life, ask yourself how making conscious choices for example, has made a difference. 

Thank yourself for all the changes you've made, large and small, and appreciate how they benefit you. 

Remember too that we thrive in communion with others, so share your knowledge, reach out to help others on their journeys, and ask for support on yours. 

As you meditate each day remember that you're part of the collective consciousness, a bubbling wave in a vast and beautiful ocean , acknowledge and celebrate your sacred connections. 

As we prepare to meditate let's consider today's centering thought:

I create my perfect health. 

I create my perfect health.

So let's begin.

Sitting quietly, taking a few conscious breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply, introduce today's mantra silently to yourself:

Sat Chit Ananda.

Existence, consciousness, bliss.

Sat Chit Ananda.

Please continue meditating, I'll remind the time and in a little while you'll hear me ring a soft bell, letting you know that it's time to stop.

Sat Chit Ananda.

Sat Chit Ananda.

Now silently in the mind.


Let go of the mantra.

Allow yourself some time to relax feeling the effects of your meditation.

When you're ready, please open your eyes.

Thank you for spending each day with us on our mind, body, odyssey, toward perfect health. 

As we end our time together in this challenge, I leave you with our final centering thought. Allow this intention to lead you toward greater well-being and a deep appreciation for your body, mind, and spirit:

I create my perfect health.

I create my perfect health.

I create my perfect health.




Meditasi Yang Disukai

TRANSCRIPT: Day 4 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

TRANSCRIPT: Day 1 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

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