TRANSCRIPT: Day 1 Renew Yourself | Meditation | Deepak Chopra and J Balvin

What does it mean to be renewed, most of us don't really know because we are caught up in all habits, repetitive routines and memories of the past.

Welcome to our 21 day meditation experience: renew yourself body mind and spirit. For this program we've invited a special guest to participate: J Balvin. 

J Balvin is a latin music superstar that has become a symbol of equality, kindness, acceptance, and altruism to his community and beyond. His art truly speaks to themes of beauty and human potential while encouraging happiness and transcendence.

We are honored to have him as a partner in this experience, as we reach out to the global Spanish-speaking community, and continue to cultivate the benefits of meditation and well-being to all.


Hi...this is J Balvin. Welcome to our 21-day meditation experience. What does it mean to be renewed? Most of us don't really know because we are caught up in all habits, repetitive routines and memories of the past.

When faced with stress and challenges, we often become fearful and clean to these all ways of being, but challenging a period can be a time for healing and renewal which begins with each of us.

In this 21-day meditation experience, we will discover healing and renewal for the whole self body, mind, and spirit. By consciously connecting to your body your mental state, and your level of consciousness, you can learn to cope with any challenge, and experience a more fulfilling way of being.

To feel renewed which is how nature create us, the body will feel joyful and energetic, the mind will be reflective and alert, and the spirit will expand into release, those are the goals we'll be reaching for in this meditation experience.

Every cell in your body is constantly renewed, but most people feel disconnected from their bodies, they judge how their body looks and feels, and do not participate in the body as our source of energy and joy. That is the direction we will take in renewing the body.

Let's begin by reconnecting with our bodies, and clearing away negative attitudes from the past, and then guided by Deepak we'll meditate together.


All of us have personal attitudes, toward our bodies, and many of these attitudes are negative.

We don't see in the mirror the body we want, and our disappointment might go back many years.

But at the level of our cells, life is all but perfect, if it isn't interfered with.

Cells carry out thousands of chemical reactions per minute with total confidence, trust and self-acceptance, what interferes with the state of ideal function is us.

We introduce stress into our lives. We ignore the body's signals of discomfort. We turn our backs on healthy lifestyle choices that would enable us to thrive inside our bodies.

This is a kind of disconnect that undermines the body, so the main thing that's needed when it comes to renewal at the physical body is to reconnect with it.

Every day you're constantly relating to your body, through a chemical messaging system that runs your nervous system and bloodstream, your feelings, thoughts, mood, stress level and overall health are communicated to 50 trillion cells.

It is typically said that the brain sits at the center of this vast communication system. But in reality, it is you, your consciousness which is at the center. 

Your brain doesn't have moods, beliefs and lifestyle choices to make. You do in a state of disconnect you fall into unconscious habits and poor lifestyle choices. 

You'd never inflict on a friend the things you do to your body when in this state almost without thinking, pushing it into stressful situations, letting it grow neglected and above all seeing it as undesirable.

Reconnecting begins with a change of attitude, seeing your body as your most intimate friend and ally in good times and bad, never failing in its loyalty to you as it carries out everything it can do, so that you survive and thrive.

When you truly connect with your body, you promote its well-being, knowing that you promote your own well-being at the same time.

The secret lies in becoming aware of the feedback loops you're creating simply put what you give your body gives back, the same is true for mind and spirit, as far as your body is concerned when you give a nourishing positive signal, in return you will get a nourishing positive response.

And when you give a thoughtless or negative signal, in return you will get an unsatisfactory answer.

The most important positive feedback your body wants is the inner peace calmness and joy that comes from meditation.

When your mind meditates so does your body. This is the most powerful reconnection there is opening the door to holistic renewal at every level.

As we prepare to meditate together, let's take a moment to consider our centering thought.

Connected with my body, I feel joyful and energetic.

Connected with my body, I feel joyful and energetic.

Now let's prepare for our meditation. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath, and just breathe slowly and deeply. With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.

Now gently introduce the mantra:


This mantra connect your physical energy and strength to your unlimited spiritual energy. It activates and revitalizes all aspects of your body and mind.

Repeat it silently to yourself.


With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit, open into an expanded state of awareness. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra. I'll mind the time and you'll hear a soft bell at the beginning and end of the meditation.


It's time to release the mantra continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready gently open your eyes. As you continue with your day contemplate the centering thought:

Connected with my body, I feel joyful and energetic. 

Connected with my body, I feel joyful and energetic.



Meditasi Yang Disukai

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