TRANSCRIPT: Day 2 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

In today’s meditation: The Nature of Perfect Health, we discuss how it is our evolutionary impulse to progress in our lives, to seek and attain balance, and to be healthy and strong.

While our bodies naturally move toward balance, there are things we can do to aid in this process. For instance, we can send our bodies messages of love and support by eating nourishing foods, getting proper rest, and engaging in activities that make us feel truly alive.

So, as we begin to understand how our bodies take care of us, we also learn how we can better take care of our bodies.

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~ Buddha


Balance is my true nature.



My love flows without restriction.


How does your body let you know when it’s feeling overworked, tired, or stressed?

Describe how your body feels when you eat a non-healthy meal. What does it feel like when you have a healthy meal?

What positive messages can you send your body today to demonstrate self-love and support?

Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.


Welcome to Day 2. The nature of perfect health. So what does perfect health really look like in our daily lives, that's a question you need to ask for yourself. Is it in our nature to become sick every one in a while? Or can we really always be well? 

Our bodies are constantly providing clear messages to us, to help stay balanced and to keep us healthy. And intuitively, we know that when we heed these signals we thrive. 

Now, Deepak is going to introduce us to the centuries-old science of Ayurveda, which is centered on longevity and well-being. 

And he talks today about how we can take steps to ensure that we enjoy good health throughout our lives. 

So relax with me and listen as Deepak chopra explains, how we can work in concert with our bodies to achieve lifelong health and vitality. 

I know I want more of that. 

So let's meditate together.


Ayurveda is a 5.000 years old science, which in sanskrit means, wisdom of life, or the science of longevity. And the ancient sages of Ayurveda, boldly and wisely asked the ultimate question, must we become sick and grow old? 

Their answer was no. We can be immune to illness and decline, and disorders can be prevented or reversed, as long as balance is maintained. 

Balance of mind, body and spirit.

Perfect balance, makes perfect health possible.

We are all governed by an evolutionary impulse, driving us to grow and progress, to expand beyond our own imagined limits.

This impulse directs our overall balance automatically, and can be witnessed in every organ and cell in our bodies.

The most positive message we can send our bodies every day, is to be aligned with balance in all things.

Taking time to enter the stillness each day, and getting adequate rest, help maintain the balance our bodies need.

But we also need to move both mentally and physically.

Exercise is one way to ward off physical inertia.

Taking a passionate interest in life, keeps mental inertia at bay. Best of all self-awareness enables the whole mind-body system, to be dynamic. Because self-awareness makes room for spontaneity, the exquisite freedom of the unexpected.

See if you can remain open to spontaneity, in your own life each day. Surprise yourself, take an interest, find something to be passionate about. These are all deep forms of healing, and when you pursue them, you are truly experiencing perfect health. 

As we prepare for our meditation, let's consider our centering thought.

Balance is my true nature.

Balance is my true nature.

Let's begin. Please sit comfortably and close your eyes. 

In this moment, go within. 

Let go of all thoughts, and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath. 

Inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.

Now, gently introduce the mantra. It is the sound YAM, which is associated with the Anahata or heart chakra, the energy center in the middle of the chest.

Repeat the mantra silently to yourself.




Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts or noises around. you simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra.

Continue with your meditation, I'll remind the time and at the end you'll hear me ring a soft bell.




Just mentally.




~ Meditation ~

It's time to release the mantra.

Please bring your awareness, back into your body. Take a moment to rest.

When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

Approach today with enthusiasm and contemplate the cantering thought.

Balance is my true nature. 

Balance is my true nature.

Balance is my true nature.





Meditasi Yang Disukai

TRANSCRIPT: Day 4 Perfect Health Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

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